Spanish One, Two, and Three PowerPoints and Curriculum Mega Bundle


Everything you need to teach Spanish One, Spanish Two, and Spanish Three: PowerPoints, homework, bell ringers, interactive notebook activities, Google Drive Activities, videos, paired activities, audio practices and much more. The bundles are already discounted but if you buy them together you save $50 more!
Foreign Language, Spanish
Grade Levels
7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Higher Education, Homeschool
Resource Type
Teaching Resources


What Buyers Have Said:
~ “This is so great. It was well laid out and gives me everything I need to get my year started. This was well worth every penny!”
~ “Fantastic resource! And Angie was absolutely wonderful to work with! Excellent!”
~ “Amazing. This is a wonderful resource to have for your career. I highly recommend this product. It came very quickly in the mail and I am very impressed. Thank you!”
~ “This is such a comprehensive resource. Vocabulary lists, homework sheets, games and activities, PowerPoints, rubrics, it is all there, and very well organized. It is obvious that so much time was put into all of this, time you won’t have to spend creating everything. Wonderful!”
~ “Thank you so much! This has been a big help in my move to a new state and district that doesn’t use a textbook.”
~ “These are amazing resources. I was looking for something to change up what I regularly do and I’ve already started using the powerrpoints and handouts in my level 2 classes. I’ll be teaching level 2 and 3 next year and this bundle is going to set me know the right track! Thank you!”


All of my PowerPoints and Curriculum for Spanish One, Two, and Three at a even more discounted price! Save $302! This curriculum includes PowerPoints, Bell Work, Homework, TPR Stories, Quizzes and Tests, Comprehensible Input, Listening Activities, Videos, Student Handouts, Interactive Notebook Activities, Google Drive Activities, Paired and Group Activities, Digital Escape Rooms, lessons on culture (La Navidad, El Día de los Muertos, quinceañera, Spanish names, La Plaza Mayor, cultural differences, la sobremesa, food, Spanish-speaking countries), and digital versions for 1:1 classrooms and distance learning.


Spanish One, Two, and Three Curriculum

~Spanish One PowerPoints and Curriculum: Thank you so much for making these available! They are excellent resources. They are going to save my life this year! I am actively suppressing a squeal while going through these. There just isn’t enough time to plan all this stuff and you’ve made it so easy! Seriously, thank you!

~Spanish Two PowerPoints and Curriculum: A great resource! / An excellent resource. I am very grateful for your products. Just a note, the creator responds to emails and is a great resource. Thank you, Angie!

Spanish One, Two, and Three Curriculum

~Spanish Three Lesson Plans and Curriculum for an Entire Year: Angie, I love it. Thank you. Fantastic bundle!!!


This curriculum is kid-tested and refined during 30 years of teaching. It includes comprehensible input, TPR Stories, games, engaging Power Points, interactive notebook activities, songs, audios for absent students, and much more.

This curriculum includes some AP Themes and Pre-AP Activities to prepare students for Spanish Four and AP.

Spanish One Curriculum has 1, 179 Power Point slides and 215 Word Documents. Concepts included are:

~classroom objects and the definite and indefinite articles
~Infinitivos PowerPoint for Spanish One
~Subject Pronouns
~conjugations of all regular verbs in the present tense
~Spanish “Ser” PowerPoint and TPR Story
~Spanish Estar + Places and Emotions
~Days & Months & Activities
~Position of Adjectives for Spanish One Adjectives; Noun/adjective Agreement & Position of Adjectives
~How to Form Yes/No Questions with Subject Verb Inversion; Interrogative Questions: Spanish Preguntas
~How to Form Questions with Tú, Usted, Ustedes: Spanish Preguntas Tú, Usted, Ustedes PowerPoint
~How to Use Two Verbs in a Sentence
~GO Verbs; Ir, Venir: Spanish Go Verbs PowerPoint
~Plurals of Nouns and Adjectives as well as Entire Sentences: Los plurales for Spanish One or Spanish Plurals
~Clothes Vocabulary
~Los adjetivos posesivos for Sp 1
~Gustar; hobbies: Spanish Gustar Powerpoint
~Food Vocabulary

Spanish One, Two, and Three Curriculum

Spanish Two Curriculum has 1,792 PowerPoint slides and 482 Word documents. The concepts include the following:

Spanish One, Two, and Three Curriculum


~Conjugations of Regular Verbs
~How to Form Questions in Spanish
~How to Use Two Verbs in a Sentence
~Spanish Preguntas, “Tú, Usted, Ustedes”
~Spanish Ir, Venir & GO Verbs


~Weather and clothes (El tiempo): weather
~Spanish Saber Conocer
~Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs
~Spanish Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns & Double-Object Pronouns: Spanish Object Pronouns
~Personal A Activities, TPRS, PPT
~House and Chores with the expressions, “tener qui + infinitive” and “tener ganas de + infinitivo”: House & Chores Curriculum
~Ser vs. Estar & Progressive (Gerund): Ser estar Lesson Plans
~Affirmative and Negative commands: Spanish Mandatos Commands
~Prepositions (delante de, detrás de, a la derecha de, etc.)
~Preterite: regular, irregular, “ir” stem-changing verbs: Preterite PPT & TPR Story
~Spanish Reflexive Verbs PowerPoint
~Spanish Body and Health PowerPoint
~Travel Vocabulary: Spanish Travel TPR Story Present and Preterite

Spanish One, Two, and Three Curriculum will save you money.

Spanish Three Curriculum has 3,815 PowerPoint slides and 1,241 pages of printable, and handouts. The concepts covered are the following:

~Review of commands, Comparatives, superlative
~Reflexive Verbs; the use of, “le” with reflexive verbs: Reflexive Verbs Activities, TPRS for Sp 2 & 3
~Impersonal “se” and accidental “se”
~Present Tense: Present Tense Lesson Plans
~Cambios ortográficos PowerPoint
~Stem-Changing Verbs
~Ser and Estar
~Spanish Progressive Tenses or Gerund PowerPoint
~Preterite, regular, irregular, ir-stem-changing verbs; orthographic changes
~Imperfect Preterite & INB Activity
~Present Perfect Tense: Spanish Present Perfect Activity
~Future Tense
~Conditional Tense
~Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns including Double-Object Pronouns: Spanish Double-Object Pronoun TPRS PPT
~Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
~Hace que; Hacía que; Desde hace que: Hace que, Desde que PPT & TPRS
~All Spanish Subjunctive

You may also be interested in: AP Spanish Lesson Plans for an Entire Year

Spanish One, Two, and Three Curriculum will save you tons of time.

Read here about how to incorporate Interactive Notebooks into your World Language Classroom.

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