Spanish House and Furniture Google Forms Activity or Assessment

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Students practice the vocabulary for house, rooms in the house, and furniture in Spanish. They write about what furniture they put in each room and what they do in each room. This illustrated activity provides comprehensible input because the words are in the context of complete sentences which students complete. The activity is editable, self-grading and a fun, interactive activity or digital assessment that can be used in Google Drive or Google Classroom.

Grade Levels
9-12; Homeschool
Resource Type
Google Apps; Activities; Internet Activities
What Buyers Have Said:
~ “This was such a timesaver for me when I needed an emergency sub plan. Thank you for the variety of questions and images in this form!”
~ “Great resource!”



Students practice the Spanish vocabulary for the house, rooms in the house, and furniture. They write about what furniture they put in each room and what they do in each room. This illustrated activity provides comprehensible input because the words are in the context of complete sentences which students complete. The activity is editable, self-grading and a fun, interactive activity or digital assessment that can be used in Google Drive or Google Classroom.


Spanish House, Rooms, and Furniture Google Forms Activity includes the following resources:


  • Autocorrecting, editable Google Forms Activities for la casa, los cuartos y los muebles in which students complete the sentences with the correct word for the furniture or room in Spanish: 19 illustrated questions.


Vocabulary includes: poner, usar, comer, calentar, lavar, sala de estar, dormitorio, despacho, sala, baño, cama, cómoda, cocina, comedor, sótano, pisos, lavadero, garaje, lavadora, microondas, estantería, sillón, mesita, inodoro, bañera, tina, espejo, telaraña, lavabo,


  • Student Handout with the 112 vocabulary words and phrases for the house, rooms in the house, furniture in the house, household chores | los quehaceres, and related expressions, some of which are:


el pasillo, la escalera, la planta baja, el guardarropa, el techo, la aspiradora, la ventana, el césped, la habitación, el lavaplatos, la estufa, la mesa, la silla, el horno, el sofá, el reloj, ordenado, limpio, sucio, redondo, cuadrado, de madera, de metal, moderno, nuevo, quehaceres, arreglar el cuarto, cortar el césped, planchar, poner la mesa, quitar la mesa, sacar la basura, quitar el polvo, barrer, trapear, limpiar, enchufar, recoger, tener que + infinitivo, tener ganas de + infinitivo, tener razón, estar equivocado




★These Spanish House, Rooms, and Furniture Google Forms Activities are included in the following money-saving bundles:


Spanish Google Drive Bundle

Spanish House and Chores PowerPoint and Curriculum

Spanish Autocorrecting Google Forms Bundle

Spanish Two Tests and Quizzes


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Spanish House and Furniture Video

Spanish House and Chores PowerPoint and Activities

Spanish House and Chores Google Drive Activity

Spanish House and Chores Digital Escape Room


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