Everything you need to teach the Spanish alphabet, greetings LOS SALUDOS and commands is in this bundle. The PowerPoint explanations and practices make learning this concept easy and fun. Curriculum includes no-prep daily lesson plans, three PowerPoints, comprehensible input with two videos and dialogues, worksheets, bell work, attention getters, interactive notebook activities, Google Drive Activity, student handouts, games, and test. Google Slides digital versions are included for 1:1 classes or distance learning.
- Twelve 90-minute daily, no-prep lesson plans
- Word Document and PDF of continuous lesson plans so you can print them out all at once
- 85-slide PowerPoint El alfabeto with the following:
o Eye-catching visuals
o Compare the English vowel sounds with the Spanish sounds
o Practice the vowel sounds
o Practice the hard and soft consonants (sonidos fuertes y suaves)
o Practice the silent, “H”
o Compare the J and G sounds
o Compare and practice the R and RR sounds in different placements
o Compare the V and the B sounds in different placements
o Compare the C, S, Z sounds
o Compare the English Z and the Spanish Z and practice the Z sound
o Practice the pronunciation of the letters B and V after the letters M and V
o Practice the pronunciation of the letters B and V next to the letters L or R
o Practice the sound of the letter R after letters L, N, and S
o Practice the sound of the letter R after the letters P, T, D, C, K, F and B
- 47-slide Spanish Greetings PowerPoint: Practices introductions and leave-taking and introduce the following vocabulary:
o ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama?
o ¿Cómo se escribe?
o Encantado, igualmente, mucho gusto
o Buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches
o Tú, usted, ustedes, and the difference between TÚ and USTED
o ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está usted? ¿Qué tal? Bien, muy bien, mal, muy mal, regular, así así
o ¿Quién es?
o ¿De dónde eres? Soy de… ¿De dónde es…? Es de…
o ¿Eres…? ¿Eres de…? Sí, soy de…
- 13-slide PowerPoint on the commands in Spanish: LOS MANDATOS PowerPoint is meant for recognition only so students will be able to obey the teacher’s commands.
o Eye-catching photographs illustrating each command
o Twelve commands: Siéntense, levántense, levanten la mano, cambien papeles, saquen papel, escriban, lean, escuchen, miren, agarren, entreguen los papeles, pongan el libro sobre la mesa.
- Bell Work
- Tension PowerPoint that tells students what they will be learning and what they will do at the end of the lesson to demonstrate mastery
- Attention Getters
- Homework and PowerPoint answers
o Students obey commands: Mira arriba. Ponte detrás de Mónica. Corre alrededor de la clase una vez. Siéntate a la izquierda de Raúl.
o Students answer questions about the placement of people and things in the classroom.
o Places Pictionary
o Student Handout on el abecedario, vowels, and consonants
o Los saludos y las despedidas Student Handout
o Handout of related vocabulary
- Spanish Alphabet Greetings and Commands Printable Test with audio for listening assessment and for absent students
o Interactive Notebook Listening Activity in which students circle the soft sounds in one color and the strong ones in another for the letters B, C, D, G, R, RR, and V and answer questions: los sonidos fuertes y suaves
o INB Activity in which students describe the visuals by writing SOY or NO SOY
o Interactive Notebook Activity in which students write TÚ, USTED, or USTEDES based on the visuals
o Spanish Commands Interactive Notebook Activity
o INB Activity in which students answer questions
o Interactive Notebook Table of Contents, instructions, rubric
- Listening Activities: Dictation in which students write the letters they hear
- Audio dictation for absent students
- Audios and Listening Activities
- Paired Activity with illustrations in which students ask each other questions using the verb SER and LLAMAR and recording their partners’ answers: ¿Eres un caballo? ¿De dónde eres? ¿Cómo se llama la profesora?
- Google Drive Activities for LOS MANDATOS
- Google Slides digital versions of activities and PowerPoints
o LOS SALUDOS VIDEO, vocabulary, script, and activities: Video is 1:48 in length. Jessica, Melanie, Óscar, and Isaías meet each other and have a conversation. The video includes most vocabulary related to introductions and leave-taking.
o ¿DE DÓNDE ERES? VIDEO, vocabulary, script and activities. The video provides comprehensible input for the verb SER and people’s origin. Óscar asks his father where he is from and where his mother and children are from. Spanish subtitles aid in comprehension.
o Chucho y Ana Puppet Dialogue with comprehension questions
o Three skits to act out with students
★ NOTE: Since I teach these concepts at the beginning of the course, I have also included the following:
26 Classroom Objects Labels or Posters
Day One Objectives
Interest Inventory
Sample Spanish One Learning Targets
Spanish One Goals
Student Information Sheet
Sample Classroom Rules and Policies
Sample Quiz on Rules and Policies
Spanish One Lesson Plans and Curriculum for an Entire Year: Todos Preparados
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La familia Lesson Plans and Curriculum
Spanish Verb SER Adjectives and Plurals Lesson Plans
El tiempo Lesson Plans and Curriculum
Want to know how to make teaching Spanish numbers fun? Click on the following link: How to Make Learning Spanish Numbers Fun
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