Spanish 1 and 2 Curriculum
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These resources have 5,825 PowerPoint slides, and 1,403 Word documents. Most PowerPoints are complete lessons with instruction, check for understanding, guided practice and closure.
Spanish One and Two PowerPoints
This SPANISH 1 POWERPOINTS AND CURRICULUM includes the following 23 PowerPoints with 1,545 slides:
~Spanish slides)
~Spanish Conjugation Competition for Spanish One(44 slides)
~Spanish Estar + Places and Emotions PowerPoint (83 slides)
~Spanish Position of Adjectives (28 slides)
~Spanish Classroom Objects PowerPointand Quiz (47 slides)
~Days & Months PPT & Activities Bell Work, Homework, and Test (Two PPTs;117 slides)
~Spanish Dos Verbos PowerPoint and Activities- How to Use Two Verbs in a Sentence Spanish Dos verbos
~Dos verbos”: Comprehensible Input Using Two Verbs in a Sentence PowerPoint (47 slides)
~Spanish Go Verbs PowerPoint– hacer, salir, traer, venir, oír, decir, poner, tener, caerse (50 slides)
~Ir, Venir, Places PowerPoint, TPRS, Activities (130 slides)
~Infinitivos PowerPoint for Spanish One– 59 verbs (121 slides)
~Los plurales for Spanish One or Spanish Plurals (31 slides)
~Spanish Preguntas PowerPoint con los interrogativos in Spanish (19 slides)
~Spanish “Ser” PowerPoint and TPR Story (65 slides)
~Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs PowerPoint(115 slides)
~Spanish Preguntas Tú, Usted, Ustedes PowerPoint(20 slides)
~El Mal Alumno PowerPoint; El Mal Alumno TPR Story and Activities and illustrations (50 slides)
~Dos verbos competencia (19 slides)
~Frases útiles (3 slides)
~Possessive Adjectives Los adjetivos posesivos for Sp 1(35 slides)
Spanish 1 and 2 PowerPoints
This Spanish 1 Curriculum and PowerPoints include 343 Word Documents which include the following:
~Spanish One Sequence
~El Mal Estudiante y El Sr. Bobo TPR Stories and Activities for Spanish One (8 pages)
~Spanish Places TPR Stories and Activities (7 pages)
~Present Tense Eight Stations Activity and Placards (10 pages)
~Spanish Adjectives: The Dating Game (2 pages)
~Spanish Adjectives Ser Gustar TPR Story, Activities and Illustrations (9 pages)
~Vocabulary list for adjectives (1 page)
~Two tests on adjectives (4 pages)
~Homework practice on adjectives (2 pages)
~Rubric and instructions for the biography in which students use adjectives. Will be used in the Dating Game the following day (2 pages)
~Possessive Adjectives Test (1 page)
~Oral Presentation Instructions and Rubric for the use of possessive adjectives (1 page)
~Spanish Classroom Objects TPR Stories and Activities for Spanish One (9 pages)
~Spanish Days and Months Bell Work, Homework, and Test (16 pages)
~Spanish Dos Verbos PowerPoint and Activities (8 pages)
~Spanish Hobbies and Places TPR Story with Illustrations (9 pages)
~Spanish Ir Venir PowerPoint and Activities (5 pages)
~Homework practice for the verb “ir” and “al / a la”. (1 page)
~Quiz on “ir” and places (2 pages)
~Questions using the verb “ir” (1 page)
~Spanish Ser Estar Lesson Plan, TPR Story; Cloze Activity; Two Paired Activities; Quiz (12 pages)
~Estar, emotions, places homework practice (2 pages)
~Spanish Ser Paired Activity (2 pages)
~Test on “Ser” and Subject Pronouns (2 pages)
~Homework practice in which students write in the correct forms of the verbs “ser” or “tener” (1 page)
~Homework practice on subject pronouns (1 page)
~Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs TPR Story and Activities (7 pages)
~Spanish Vocabulary Board Game (3 pages)
~; El Mal Alumno TPR Story and Activities and illustrations (9 pages)
~TPR Stories for Spanish 1 & 2 (44 pages)
~Clothes Project (1 page)
~Clothes Project Rubric (1 page)
~Vocabulary List for Clothes (2 pages)
~Frases Útiles
~Frases Útiles Test
~Bingo Sheet
~¿Qué te gusta hacer? speaking activity (1 page)
~Gustar competition in which students answer questions using the verb “gustar” and associated vocabulary (2 pages)
~Instructions on how to write a composition about one’s family using the verb “gustar” (1 page)
~Dialogue/puppet show demonstrating the use of “gustar” and associated expressions (1 page)
~Vocabulary for the song “Me gustas tú” (1 page)
~Instructions for making a menu (1 page)
~Food Vocabulary List (1 page)
~Conjugation Practice for Homework (1 page)
~Two Conjugation Competitions (2 pages)
~Homework practice in which students answer questions to obtain information (1 page)
~Competition in which students change sentences to yes/no questions (1 page)
~Handout on information questions which compares the interrogative word to the unaccented word (¿cómo? vs. como) (1 page)
~Homework practice in which students answer yes/no questions and change sentences into questions (1 page)
~Puppet show dialogue demonstrating information questions with true/false questions (2 pages)
~Quiz on information questions in which students change yes/no questions to information questions (1 page)
~Competition in which students answer “tú, Ud., Uds.”questions (1 page)
~Teacher questions using “tú, Ud., Uds.” (1 page)
~Quiz on numbers 1-100 (1 page)
~Plurals homework in which students change sentences from the singular to the plural (1 page)
~Quiz on plurals in which students change sentences from the singular to the plural (1 page)
~Homework practice on time and the expressions associated with time such as “empieza a las” and “termina a las” (1 page)
~Answers to all quizzes, tests and homework are provided
Spanish One and Two PowerPoints
This Spanish 1 PowerPoints and Curriculum also includes:
~Four Spanish Gustar Video Puppet Shows with Script and True False Activity Spanish Gustar Video Puppet Shows(4 video puppet shows and 4 page script)
Spanish One and Two PowerPoints
This bundle includes the following materials in the suggested order of instruction:
~Los mandatos: commands students should recognize
~Frases útiles: review of phrases students should know how to say
~Frases útiles test
~Infinitives PowerPoint
~Conjugations of Regular Verbs PowerPoint
~How to Form Questions in Spanish PowerPoint
~Spanish “Ser” PowerPoint and TPRS Story
~Spanish Preguntas, “Tú, Usted, Ustedes” PowerPoint
~Spanish Ir, Venir PowerPoint and Group Activity
~Dos verbos: How to Use Two Verbs in a Sentence PowerPoint and Activities
~Dos verbos: Comprehensible Input using Two Verbs in a Sentence PowerPoint
~Dos verbos: Competition PowerPoint
~Go Verbs PowerPoint
Spanish One and Two PowerPoints
~Two Spanish House and Chores TPR Story and Activities(true/false, complete the sentences, write your own story)
~Spanish Saber Conocer PowerPoint
~Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs PowerPoint
~Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs TPR Story
~Stem-Chg Verbs for Spanish Two and Three PowerPoint
~Spanish Object Pronouns PowerPoint
~Spanish Double-Object Pronoun TPR Story PowerPoint
~Spanish Double Object Pronoun Paired Game~PowerPoint on the Personal A in Spanish
~TPRS Story using the Personal A in Spanish
~Spanish Mandatos Commands Activities and TPRS
~Eleven TPRS Stories for Spanish One and Two with accompanying activities TPRS for Spanish One and Two
~Spanish Travel TPR Story Present and Preterite
~Ser Estar TPR Story and other Activities
~Spanish Progressive Tenses or Gerund PowerPoint
Spanish One and Two PowerPoints
Spanish Preterite PPTs & Curriculum Bundle
~Conjugations: regular, irregular, and -ir stem-changing verbs; regular conjugations with expressions used with the preterite tense; demonstration of the difference between stem-changing verbs in the present and the preterite.
~Ir Stem-Changing Verbs:
a. Competition in which students complete the sentences by changing the present tense to the preterite tense.
b. Competition in which students complete the sentence by changing the infinitive to the preterite.
c. PowerPoint Competition in which students write sentences changing the verb from the present tense to the preterite.
d. Bell-Work PowerPoint in which students practice conjugating the -ir Stem-Changing Verbs
e. Homework in which students answer the questions, fill in a cloze story with -ir Stem-Changing Verbs.
f. PowerPoint answers to homework
g. Homework in which students fill in cloze sentences, complete the sentences with -ir Stem-Changing Verbs, and answer questions using -ir Stem-Changing Verbs
h. PowerPoint answers to homework
i. Verb Chart demonstrating how the present stem changes but not the preterite for -ar/-er verbs, but DOES change for -ir stem-changing verbs.
j. Practice in which students complete the sentences with the correct -ir stem-changing verb
~10 TPR Stories with fill-in the blanks, cloze stories, answer-the-questions activities Preterite Practice- TPR Stories in Spanish
~Ir, Ser: Practice Test on the verbs, “ir” and “ser”; Quiz on “Ir, Ser”
~Irregular Preterite:
a. TPR Story, “Snickers” Irregular Preterite TPR Story Power PontPPT; Snickers paired activity in which students change the underlined parts of the story; True/ False Competition
b. Dar y Ver: Competition; Dar y Ver TPR Story; True/ False; Homework Examples of Test; Test; Practice changing the present tense to the preterite
c. Hacer conjugation and activity in which students describe pictures using the verb “hacer”
d. Paired Speaking/Writing Activity in which students ask each other questions using the irregular preterite
e. Irregular Preterite Song on PowerPoint with audio (me singing-sorry); words to the song and instructions for activity in which students sing the song and act out the verbs
f. TPR Stories and Comprehensible Input for the Irregular Preterite: Irregular Preterite TPR Story PowerPoint; True / False; Students change the underlined parts; TPR Story about ex-boyfriend; True / False; cloze activity
g. Irregular Preterite Test Practice PowerPoint
h. Bingo Game (Lotería) for the irregular preterite
i. Preguntas Irregular Preterite Homework: PowerPoint answers to homework
j. Pude / Podía homework in which students practice the difference between the preterite and the imperfect of some verbs. PowerPoint answers to pude / podia homework.
k. Quiz on the irregular preterite
l. 94-slide PowerPoint on the irregular verbs with illustrated slides and comprehensible input Irregular Preterite PPT
Spanish One and Two PowerPoints
~Instructions for student presentation
~Preterite – Eight Stations Activity in Spanish
~99-slide Preterite PowerPoint & TPR Story
~6 quizzes and tests
~Regular Preterite Verbs
a. -er / -ir verbs paired activity
b. TPR Story for -er / -ir verbs; True / Falso
c. Group Speaking Activity using the preterite tense with instructions
d. Homework, regular verbs; Homework answers for “Quinceañera” on PowerPoint
e. Homework, stem-changing regular verbs
f. Competition in which students write sentences changing them from present to preterite
g. Bingo Game for -er / -ir verbs
h. Bingo Game for -ar verbs
i. Preterite Stem-Changing Homework; PowerPoint Answers
j. Practice, preterite -ar / -er verbs
k. PowerPoint Competition in which students change the sentences from present to preterite of stem-changing verbs
l. Test on regular preterite verbs
~Song, “El reloj cucú” lyrics and cloze activity
~Two Spanish Preterite Jeopardy PowerPoints and Activities
~Reflexive Verbs Activities, TPRS Story for Spanish Two and Three
~Spanish Reflexive Verbs PowerPoint
~Spanish Reflexive Verbs Video Puppet Shows
~Spanish Body and Health PowerPoint
~Rubric for Student Binder
~Suggested Spanish Two Sequence
~Tener TPRS Story & Activities PPT
~Spanish Vocabulary Board Game
For the Spanish Two Lesson Plans and Curriculum for an Entire Year, click here: Spanish Two Lesson Plans and Curriculum
For the Spanish Three Lesson Plans and Curriculum for an Entire Year, click here: Spanish Three Lesson Plans
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