Accents in Spanish PowerPoint, TPR Story and Printables


Each section of the Accents PowerPoint has practices immediately after the explanation for checking for understanding, guided practice and closure activities which can be used as competitions. Answers are included in all activities. Students internalize the rules by pronouncing common words as they would be pronounced without accents. They say where the emphasis is in each word and why.

Foreign Language, Spanish
Grade Levels
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Homeschool
Resource Type
PowerPoint Presentations, Minilessons


Buyers have said:
~ “A very thorough presentation! My students used to get so confused, but this helped so much!”
~ “Your products never disappoint! Such a thorough lesson. Everything I need and so much better than teaching it from the book. Thank you!”
~ “Great resource for both native and non native speakers”
~ “Super time saver and helpful for my native speakers. Thanks!”
~ “Great graphics and resource!”
~ “This is awesome!”


Accents in Spanish PowerPoint, TPR Story and Printables Product Description:

Accents in Spanish PowerPoint, TPR Story, and Printables by Angie Torre

This 86-slide PowerPoint “Accents in Spanish PowerPoint, TPR Story and Printables” explains the following:
~the rules for accents and pronunciation
~the rules for the division of syllables including “diptongos, triptongos”, strong and weak vowels
~combinations of letters that are never divided
~acentos diacr­íticos (for example, the difference between “sólo”and “solo”, “tú” and “tu”)
~ “palabras llanas, agudas, esdrújulas and sobresdrújulas”.

At the end of this section of the Accents PowerPoint is a cute story using most of the differentiated accents illustrated with photographs.

Each section of the Accents PowerPoint has practices immediately after the explanation for checking for understanding, guided practice and closure activities which can be used as competitions. Answers are included in all activities. Students internalize the rules by pronouncing common words as they would be pronounced without accents. They say where the emphasis is in each word and why.

This Accents PowerPoint can be used with levels one all the way to Spanish Four. The explanation of accents and practice can be used for level one. The rest can be used for level four.

Word documents include:
~Test on all accents, orthographic and diacritic
~A dialogue in which students must write in accents according to the pronunciation they hear
~Instructions for a story which students must write in which they include words with “acentos diacríticos” and words without (For example: esta vs. ésta)
~model story with “acentos diacríticos”
~A practice activity in which students translate the sentences based on the accents and put in the accents based on the meaning.
~Student Handout: “La división silábica; las reglas de la acentuación; las palabras agudas, llanas, esdrújulas, sobresdrújulas; los acentos diacríticos”
~”I can” goal statements for students evaluation

This product is included in the following lesson plans and money-saving bundle: Spanish Accents PowerPoint and Printables

Here is the URL:

YOU WILL NEED MICROSOFT OFFICE 2002 or later in order to open the password-protected PowerPoint.

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