Spanish One and Two Student Handouts or Cheat-Sheets for an Entire Year: These handouts / cheat-sheets provide the students with clear grammar explanations with examples, lists of vocabulary and related expressions, conjugation charts, graphic organizers, language in context, and lists of verbs. May be used with or without a textbook.
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The concepts covered are the following:
~El alfabeto – the alphabet
~Los saludos y las despedidas – Greetings and Goodbyes
~Los mandatos – The commands
~Los objetos del aula de clase – Classroom objects
~Los números – The numbers
~Las palabras y frases útiles – Useful words and phrases
~Los días de la semana y los meses del año – The days of the week and the months of the year
~Los infinitivos – The infinitives
~Los pronombres de sujeto – Subject pronouns
~Las conjugaciones – The conjugations
~El verbo, “Ser” – The verb, “SER”
~Los adjetivos – The adjectives
~Los plurales – The plurals of nouns, adjectives and verbs
~La posición de los adjetivos – The position of adjectives including the exceptions
~El verbo, “Gustar” – The verbs, “gustar,” and, “Encantar”
~Las preguntas – How to form yes/no and interrogative questions in Spanish
~Dos verbos – How to use two verbs in a sentence
~El verbo, “Ir” – The verb, “Ir”
~El verbo, “Venir” – The verb, “Venir”
~Los lugares – Places
~Ir + a + infinitivo – How to say you are going to do something
~La ropa – Clothing vocabulary and related expressions
~El verbo, “Tener” – The verb, “Tener”
~La familia – The family vocabulary and related expressions
~Los adjetivos posesivos – Possessive adjectives
~El verbo, “Estar” – The verb, “Estar”
~La hora – Time vocabulary and related expressions, how to tell time in Spanish
~Las asignaturas – Classes vocabulary and related expressions
~La comida- Food vocabulary
~El tiempo – The weather and related expressions
~Los verbos, “GO” – The, “GO” verbs; expressions with, “hacer”
~Los verbos que cambian en la base – List of stem-changing verbs; conjugations of stem-changing verbs
~Los deportes – Sports vocabulary and related expressions
This product contains all of the grammar explanations, conjugations, and vocabulary for Spanish Two concepts. Included are the following:
~Spanish Two Learning Targets
~el alfabeto
~List of 74 Regular and Irregular Verbs in the infinitive form in Spanish and English
~List of Commands (los mandatos) in Spanish and English
~Frases útiles; frases útiles quiz
~Subject Pronouns and Conjugations of Regular Verbs
~Explanation of How to ask yes/no Questions and Interrogative Questions in Spanish
~List of 57 Adjectives in Spanish and English
~The Verb, “Ir” and “a + el = al”
~Conjugation of the Verb, “Ser” with questions and answers
~List of 24 places in Spanish and English
~Family Vocabulary in Spanish and English
~Ir + a + infinitivo and a practice activity
~La hora, Time Vocabulary
~Las preguntas, “Tú, Usted, Ustedes” with questions and answers
~Dos verbos, “How to Use Two Verbs in a Sentence”
~Weather, Clothes, Seasons, and Expressions Vocabulary
~Study Guide for Review Test
~List of 48 Classroom Objects in Spanish and English
~GO Verbs (irregular verbs), expressions with, “hacer”, and, “salir”, and the use of the prepositions, “de, para, con” with the verb, “salir”
~List of 44 Stem-changing Verbs in Spanish and English used in context of sentences
~Conjugations of Stem-changing Verbs and different ways to use the verb, “pensar” (pensar + infinitivo, pensar EN, pensar DE, pensar QUE)
~Pedir, preguntar
~Sports Vocabulary with Places and Expressions
~House and Chores vocabulary with the expressions, “tener que, tener ganas de, tener razón”, and, “estar equivocado”
~Saber vs. Conocer, “conocer a…”
~Personal, “A” explanation and the difference between, “¿Quién?, ¿A quién?,” and, “¿A quién le?”
~Five Handouts: Direct and indirect object pronouns: the order of pronouns; list of verbs that use direct, and those that use indirect object pronouns; contrast between subject and object pronouns; explanation and modeling of direct and indirect object pronouns
~Me Te Nos
~Palabras de conexión for writing
~Prepositions of Direction and commands with a practice activity
~Affirmative Tú commands
~List of 47 Places in Spanish and English and related expressions and verbs
~Uses of Ser and Estar with expressions for each
~Progressive Tense
~Preterite: Regular and Irregular Verbs; Dar y Ver; Stem-changing Verbs; Pretérito: -IR stem-changing verbs; Regular and Irregular Verbs; Preterite: CAR, GAR, ZAR Verbs
~Summary of All the Preterite
~Reflexive Verbs: comparison of structure and meaning of reflexive and non-reflexive verbs; list of 58 reflexive verbs; conjugation of stem-changing reflexive verbs; después de / antes de / para + infinitivo and a practice activity; ¿Cuándo se Usa, “le”? with Reflexive Verbs
~Objetos de la rutina diaria: List of Objects of the Daily Routine
~Body and Health Vocabulary
~Para hablar de la salud; the verb, “Doler”
~Expresiones con el verbo, “Tener” (tener frío, calor, miedo, etcétera)
~Los comparativos (más que… / menos que…/ tan…como) y los superlativos: comparisons with adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs
~Los adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos
~Las expresiones, “hace que” y “¿Desde cuándo?”
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