Spanish One, Two, and Three Student Handouts / Cheat-Sheets for an Entire Year Product Description:
Spanish One, Two, and Three Student Handouts / Cheat-Sheets for an Entire Year: These handouts provide the students with clear grammar explanations with examples, lists of vocabulary and related expressions, conjugation charts, cheat-sheets, graphic organizers, language in context, and lists of verbs. May be used with or without a textbook.
~El alfabeto – the alphabet
~Los saludos y las despedidas – Greetings and Goodbyes
~Los mandatos – The commands
~Los objetos del aula de clase – Classroom objects
~Los números – The numbers
~Las palabras y frases útiles – Useful words and phrases
~Los días de la semana y los meses del año – The days of the week and the months of the year
~Los infinitivos – The infinitives
~Los pronombres de sujeto – Subject pronouns
~Las conjugaciones – The conjugations
~El verbo, “Ser” – The verb, “SER”
~Los adjetivos – The adjectives
~Los plurales – The plurals of nouns, adjectives and verbs
~La posición de los adjetivos – The position of adjectives including the exceptions
~El verbo, “Gustar” – The verbs, “gustar,” and, “Encantar”
~Las preguntas – How to form yes/no and interrogative questions in Spanish
~Dos verbos – How to use two verbs in a sentence
~El verbo, “Ir” – The verb, “Ir”
~El verbo, “Venir” – The verb, “Venir”
~Los lugares – Places
~Ir + a + infinitivo – How to say you are going to do something
~La ropa – Clothing vocabulary and related expressions
~El verbo, “Tener” – The verb, “Tener”
~La familia – The family vocabulary and related expressions
~Los adjetivos posesivos – Possessive adjectives
~El verbo, “Estar” – The verb, “Estar”
~La hora – Time vocabulary and related expressions, how to tell time in Spanish
~Las asignaturas – Classes vocabulary and related expressions
~La comida- Food vocabulary
~El tiempo – The weather and related expressions
~Los verbos, “GO” – The, “GO” verbs; expressions with, “hacer”
~Los verbos que cambian en la base – List of stem-changing verbs; conjugations of stem-changing verbs
~Los deportes – Sports vocabulary and related expressions
Spanish One, Two, and Three Student Handouts / Cheat-Sheets
This product contains all of the grammar explanations, conjugations, and vocabulary for Spanish Two concepts. Included are the following:
~Spanish Two Learning Targets
~el alfabeto
~List of 74 Regular and Irregular Verbs in the infinitive form in Spanish and English
~List of Commands (los mandatos) in Spanish and English
~Frases útiles; frases útiles quiz
~Subject Pronouns and Conjugations of Regular Verbs
~Explanation of How to ask yes/no Questions and Interrogative Questions in Spanish
~List of 57 Adjectives in Spanish and English
~The Verb, “Ir” and “a + el = al”
~Conjugation of the Verb, “Ser” with questions and answers
~List of 24 places in Spanish and English
~Family Vocabulary in Spanish and English
~Ir + a + infinitivo and a practice activity
~La hora, Time Vocabulary
~Las preguntas, “Tú, Usted, Ustedes” with questions and answers
~Dos verbos, “How to Use Two Verbs in a Sentence”
~Weather, Clothes, Seasons, and Expressions Vocabulary
~Study Guide for Review Test
~List of 48 Classroom Objects in Spanish and English
~GO Verbs (irregular verbs), expressions with, “hacer”, and, “salir”, and the use of the prepositions, “de, para, con” with the verb, “salir”
~List of 44 Stem-changing Verbs in Spanish and English used in context of sentences
~Conjugations of Stem-changing Verbs and different ways to use the verb, “pensar” (pensar + infinitivo, pensar EN, pensar DE, pensar QUE)
~Pedir, preguntar
~Sports Vocabulary with Places and Expressions
~House and Chores vocabulary with the expressions, “tener que, tener ganas de, tener razón”, and, “estar equivocado”
~Saber vs. Conocer, “conocer a…”
~Personal, “A” explanation and the difference between, “¿Quién?, ¿A quién?,” and, “¿A quién le?”
~Five Handouts: Direct and indirect object pronouns: the order of pronouns; list of verbs that use direct, and those that use indirect object pronouns; contrast between subject and object pronouns; explanation and modeling of direct and indirect object pronouns
~Me Te Nos
~Palabras de conexión for writing
~Prepositions of Direction and commands with a practice activity
~Affirmative Tú commands
~List of 47 Places in Spanish and English and related expressions and verbs
~Uses of Ser and Estar with expressions for each
~Progressive Tense
~Preterite: Regular and Irregular Verbs; Dar y Ver; Stem-changing Verbs; Pretérito: -IR stem-changing verbs; Regular and Irregular Verbs; Preterite: CAR, GAR, ZAR Verbs
~Summary of All the Preterite
~Reflexive Verbs: comparison of structure and meaning of reflexive and non-reflexive verbs; list of 58 reflexive verbs; conjugation of stem-changing reflexive verbs; después de / antes de / para + infinitivo and a practice activity; ¿Cuándo se Usa, “le”? with Reflexive Verbs
~Objetos de la rutina diaria: List of Objects of the Daily Routine
~Body and Health Vocabulary
~Para hablar de la salud; the verb, “Doler”
~Expresiones con el verbo, “Tener” (tener frío, calor, miedo, etcétera)
~Los comparativos (más que… / menos que…/ tan…como) y los superlativos: comparisons with adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs
~Los adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos
~Las expresiones, “hace que” y “¿Desde cuándo?”
The SPANISH THREE concepts covered are the following:
~Los comparativos / The comparisons
~Las expresiones con tener / Expressions with, “Tener”
~El pretérito / The preterite
~Los verbos reflexivos / List of Reflexive Verbs
~¿Cuándo se usa, “Le”? / The use of, “le” with reflexive verbs
~Los objetos de la rutina diaria / Objects of Daily Routine
~El se impersonal y la voz pasiva / Impersonal, “SE” and the passive voice
~El se no intencional / The accidental, “se”
~El tiempo presente / List of Present Tense Verbs in Context, conjugations and uses of the present tense
~El tiempo presente: Los verbos irregulares / Irregular verbs / Stem-changing verbs
~Los cambios ortográficos
~Las expresiones con, “hacer” / Expressions with, “hacer”
~Los verbos que cambian en la raíz / Stem-changing verbs
~Ser y estar / All the verb tenses of, “Ser” and, “Estar”, explanation of uses and expressions / Interactive Notebook Activity
~El gerundio / El presente progresivo / How to form the progressive tense with two activities
~Estar + participio pasado / How to form the past participle with estar with two activities / PowerPoint answers
~El pretérito y el imperfecto / Comparison of the preterite and imperfect / Expressions commonly used with each tense / Examples in context of each use
~El imperfecto / How to form the imperfect tense
~El vocabulario / Vocabulary used frequently with the imperfect tense
~El presente perfecto / How to form the present perfect; two activities with PowerPoint answers
~El medio ambiente / Vocabulary for the environment
~El futuro / How to form the future tense / All the ways in Spanish to say the future / Comparisons to English / How to use the future tense to express probability
~El condicional / How to form the conditional tense / How to use the conditional tense to express probability with two practice activities and answers
~Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns / How to use object pronouns with examples
~Los adjetivos demostrativos / Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
~Hace que / Desde cuándo / Explained in present, imperfect, and preterite tense
~Los mandatos / How to form affirmative and negative commands / tú, usted, ustedes, nosotros, vosotros with practice activities
~El subjuntivo / All the subjunctive, present, perfect, imperfect, pluperfect, conditional explained with examples in context and conjugation tables
~El subuntivo con las conjunciones de tiempo / Comparison of the use of the subjunctive vs. the indicative
~El subjuntivo con cláusulas adjetivales / Questions using the subjunctive with adjective clauses
~El imperfecto del subjuntivo / Imperfect subjunctive with both versions and three practices and answers
~Final Exam Study Guide
Also included in Spanish One, Two, and Three Student Handouts / Cheat-Sheets for an Entire Year are:
~Spanish Three Learning Targets
~Classroom Rules and Policies
~Comparatives Homework and PowerPoint answers
~Student Handouts for the Regular Schedule
These handouts are included in the following money-saving bundle: Spanish One, Two, and Three PowerPoints and Curriculum Bundle
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