Spanish Digital Mystery Picture Puzzles Bundle

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Make learning Spanish fun with these autocorrecting, editable, digital Mystery Picture puzzles. As students type in the correct answer, the photograph reveals itself a piece at a time. When the answer is incorrect, the block turns red. These activities can be used for in-class practice, for homework, or for absent students. Appropriate for high school Spanish learners. Great for grammar and vocabulary practice and even includes culture.

This product is a growing bundle. I will continue to add digital mystery picture puzzles. Once you buy the bundle, you will receive all future mystery picture puzzles for free!

Grade Levels
9-12; Homeschool
Resource Type
Internet Activities; Google Apps; Printables
~ “Students really love solving the mystery pictures and I like that it’s instant feedback. Thanks so much!”
~ “Great resource to review these concepts. Thank you!”
~ “Love these! I purchased the entire bundle after purchasing and using the ser vs estar one. I’ve used quite a few digital puzzles and resources so my students are now used to figuring out what to do. Our biggest challenge is spelling errors and spaces where we shouldn’t have them (our errors not errors with the product). Now that we have completed a few in class, I can also use them as activities when there is a sub which helps. Thanks!”



Make learning Spanish fun with these autocorrecting, editable, digital Mystery Picture puzzles. As students type in the correct answer, the photograph reveals itself a piece at a time. When the answer is incorrect, the block turns red. These activities can be used for in-class practice, for homework, or for absent students. Appropriate for high school Spanish learners. Great for grammar and vocabulary practice and even includes culture.

This product is a growing bundle. I will continue to add digital mystery picture puzzles. Once you buy the bundle, you will receive all future mystery picture puzzles for free!



  • Ser vs Estar Mystery Picture #1: Includes Student instructions in Spanish and 16 Cloze sentences in which students fill in the correct conjugation of SER or ESTAR. When the answer is correct, the box turns green and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green.
  • Ser vs Estar Mystery Picture #2: Has Student instructions in Spanish and 16 Cloze sentences in which students fill in the correct conjugation of SER or ESTAR. When the answer is correct, the box turns green and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green. These sentences are different than the sentences in the Mystery Picture #1.
  • Image with the answers
  • Teacher Instructions with the links to the Google Sheets
  • Ser vs. Estar in Spanish Student Handout: Demonstrates when to use SER vs. Estar

~Ser vs. Estar chart of verb conjugations in the Spanish presente, preterite, imperferfect, future, and conditional tenses
~Explanation of how the meaning of the adjectives changes with the use of SER or ESTAR: algunos verbos combian de significado según el verbo escogido
~Ser vs Estar examples in context
~Expressions used with the verb SER
~Expressions used with the verb ESTAR

  • SER vs. Estar Practice Competition PowerPoint: Students complete the sentence with the correct conjugation of SER or ESTAR and then say WHY they chose that verb. This is a speaking activity but can also be written. 25 sentences. INSTRUCTIONS: Di la frase completa con el verbo “ser” o “estar” y por qué escogiste el verbo.(Dos puntos)


  • Por vs. Para Digital Mystery Picture #1: Includes Student instructions in Spanish and 16 Cloze sentences in which students write in POR or PARA. When the answer is correct, the box turns green and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green.
  • Por vs. Para Mystery Picture #2: Student instructions in Spanish and 16 Cloze sentences in which students complete the sentences with POR or PARA. When the answer is correct, the box turns green and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green. These sentences are different than the sentences in the Mystery Picture #1.
  • Images with the answers
  • Teacher Instructions with the links to the Google Sheets
  • Por vs. Para in Spanish Student Handout:

~Demonstrates when to use POR vs. Para and Por vs. para differences
~Rules for por vs. para
~46 Expresiones con POR
~Five Expresiones con PARA
~Chart demonstrating the change in meaning depending on the use of POR or PARA


  • Los comparativos y superlativos Digital Mystery Picture Puzzle for Google Sheets: 20 cloze sentences in which students complete the sentences with the correct word in order to make comparisons. The box turns green if the answer is correct and red if incorrect so students have instant feedback.
  • Student Handouts with the vocabulary and structures for making comparisons and saying who and what are best and worst.
  • Vocabulary includes the following: más que, menos que, mayor que, menor que, mejor que, peor que, tan… como (Tú eres tan guapo como David.), tanto como, tanta… como, tantos… como, con verbo (Hablo tanto como tú.), con sustantivos (Isabel tiene tantos amigos como su hermana.) de (Es el perro más gordo de todos.)
  • Student worksheet Activities in which students answer questions of comparison, complete the sentences and write complete sentences saying they have as many items as the people listed
  • Four written practice activities in which students answer questions, complete the sentences, and write complete sentences using comparisons and, “tanto como”
  • Answers
    Make a challenging grammar concept fun with these two autocorrecting, editable, digital Spanish Preterite vs. Imperfect Mystery Picture puzzles. As students type in the correct answer, the photograph reveals itself a piece at a time. When the answer is incorrect, the block turns red. Students learn preterite and imperfect differences and preterite vs imperfect uses. These activities can be used for in-class practice, for homework, or for absent students. Appropriate for high school Spanish learners.
    • Spanish Subjunctive Mystery Picture #1: Includes Student instructions in Spanish and 16 Cloze sentences in which students fill in the correct conjugation of of either the Spanish present subjunctive or the indicative. When the answer is correct, the box turns green and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green.
    • Spanish Subjunctive Digital Mystery Picture #2: Has Student instructions in Spanish and 16 Cloze sentences in which students fill in the correct conjugation of either the present subjunctive or the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish. When the answer is correct, the box turns green and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green. These sentences are different than the sentences in the Mystery Picture #1.
    • El verbo IR Mystery Picture #1: Includes Student instructions in Spanish and 16 Cloze sentences in which students fill in the correct conjugation of IR in the present tense, A LA, and the contraction AL. When the answer is correct, the box turns green and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green.
    • Spanish Verb IR TO GO and Places Mystery Picture #2: Has Student instructions in Spanish and 16 Cloze sentences in which students answer the questions using the correct conjugation of the verb IR in the present tense, and places. (¿Adónde vas para ver las jirafas y los hipopótamos? Voy al zoológico.) When the answer is correct, the box turns green and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green. These sentences are different than the sentences in the Mystery Picture #1.
    • Spanish Family Mystery Picture #1: Includes Student instructions in Spanish and 16 questions. Students click on the link of the family tree, then answer the questions, “según el árbol genealógico.” The box turns green when the answer is correct and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green. For example: ¿Cómo se llama la madre de Laura? Se llama…; ¿Cuántos hijos tienen Cecilia y Vicente? Tienen…
    • Family Tree for Mystery Picture #1: El árbol genealógico
    • Spanish Family Digital Mystery Picture #2: Includes student instructions in Spanish and 16 Cloze sentences in which students complete the sentences with the appropriate word in Spanish according to the photographs. The box turns green when the answer is correct and progressively reveals the photograph. When it is incorrect, the box turns red and the student must try again until the box turns green. These sentences are different than the sentences in Mystery Picture #1.

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Spanish Google Drive Activities Bundle


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Click the following link to read about How to Use Google Drive Activities in the World Language Classroom.


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