How to Write an Essay in Spanish No-Prep Lesson Plans and Curriculum


These Lesson Plans and Curriculum on How to Write an Essay in Spanish teach students all the components of good essay-writing including how to organize and write cohesive, fluent compositions in Spanish. “How to Write an Essay in Spanish No-Prep Lesson Plans and Curriculum” does all the work for you and requires no textbook although the lessons can supplement any text you use. The lesson plans are based on the EDI (Explicit Direct Instruction) model and are structured for a 90-minute instructional day for the block schedule. However, they can be easily modified for a regular schedule. The resources can be accessed in two places, in the folders for each day’s lesson plan or in their own folder so that the teacher can use the resources when he/she needs them and not when indicated.

Grade Levels
9-12; Homeschool
Resource Type
Lesson Plans; PowerPoint Presentations; Activities; Printables


What Buyers Have Said:
~ “Very comprehensible and useful. Thank you.”
~ “Great!”
~ “This was very helpful to assist my students with writing. I teach Spanish III and IV.”
~ “Great resource!”


These Lesson Plans and Curriculum on How to Write an Essay in Spanish teach students all the components of good essay-writing including how to organize and write cohesive, fluent compositions in Spanish. “How to Write an Essay in Spanish No-Prep Lesson Plans and Curriculum” does all the work for you and requires no textbook although the lessons can supplement any text you use. The lesson plans are based on the EDI (Explicit Direct Instruction) model and are structured for a 90-minute instructional day for the block schedule. However, they can be easily modified for a regular schedule. The resources can be accessed in two places, in the folders for each day’s lesson plan or in their own folder so that the teacher can use the resources when he/she needs them and not when indicated.
About Me:
I taught Spanish for 30 years.
Six years ago, my principal nominated me for Teacher of the Year.
For my staff, I facilitated and presented a workshop on EDI (Explicit Direct Instruction) Lesson Planning. I also created and presented a workshop on Total Personal Response (TPR) storytelling, Strategies for Visual Learners, and other instructional strategies.
I worked as a Consulting Teacher for two years mentoring participating teachers on quality lesson planning, instructional strategies, engaging activities, TPR Story-Telling, equity, and classroom management.
I wrote and facilitated numerous workshops for beginning and veteran teachers, in and outside of my district, on lesson planning, classroom management, instructional strategies, TPR Story-Telling, How to Teach Grammar in the Target Language, Equity, Strategies for Visual Learners and more.
I am one of the top sellers in the High School Category.
  • Awesome resource! Saved me tons of time!
  • Great product—detailed, organized, and a great tool for students to use as they improve their writing skills in the target language. Thanks!
  • Very useful tool for my Spanish 4 students.
  • Very thorough and helpful information for students writing essays!
  • Clear, direct, helpful and practical. Thank you.
  • Fabulous! Excellent work!
How to Write an Essay in Spanish curriculum includes but is not limited to the following 197 documents and 276 PowerPoint slides:
~Fourteen 90-minute lesson plans on How to Write an Essay in Spanish
~145-slide PowerPoint on how to write an essay: the teaching of and practice writing informal and formal essays, sentences, thesis statements, introductory paragraphs, body, and conclusion, topic sentences; how to use quotes; how to support their thesis with evidence from different sources
~Analysis of sample essays
~ACTFL Proficiency Benchmarks and Can-Do Statements
~Transitions vocabulary and practice connecting thoughts and ideas using transitions
~Peer Edits of introductory paragraphs, developing paragraphs, and conclusion
~Bell Work
~Tension (Informs students of the learning target and what they will do to demonstrate mastery)
~Practice changing from the first and second person to the third person or passive voice for writing formal essays
~Activities, paired Activities
~Games, competitions
~College Board essay rubric
~Vocabulary for writing essays
~Readings, articles for Written Interpretive Communication
~Vocabulary Quizzes: expresiones comunes para composición, palabras de conexión, para introducir ideas, para añadir otra idea, para expresar un punto de contraste, par dar éfasis, para llegar a una conclusión, palabras de causay efecto, para expresar una opinión, en vez de usar “dice”, en vez de usar “piensa”, sinónimos de “muy”, para citar las fuentes, para comparar, para sugerir, para cambiar de tema, para ensayos informales, para ensayos formales
~Comprehension Quizzes
~How to use synonyms to avoid repeating words
~Task Cards
~Practice using the vocabulary for essay-writing
~Midterm Essay Prompt
~Final Essay Prompt
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Your students will soon be writing coherent, proficient essays after practicing with How to Write an Essay in Spanish Lesson Plans and Curriculum
To read about how to write effective lesson plans, click HERE.
To read about how to use tension in the lesson, click HERE.


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