This curriculum meets all the Learning Objectives set forth by the College Board and is based upon the three modes of communication: “Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational” and one of the six themes, “Las familias y las comunidades.” All lesson plans are based on the EDI (Explicit Direct Instruction) model. Most lessons are based on the Vista Higher Learning AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation booklet.
The lesson plans are based on a 90-minute instructional day for the block schedule but can be easily modified for a regular schedule and include extra lessons and activities.
My AP Spanish class traditionally consists of mostly non-native students with a small number of heritage and native speakers. Therefore, the goal of this curriculum is to enable students to communicate with maximum proficiency in the language, i.e., to comprehend authentic spoken and written Spanish, to speak and write Spanish using advanced language and idiomatic expressions, and to pass the AP Spanish Test with high marks.
Many buyers have asked me if they could buy the AP Spanish Lesson Plans and Curriculum one theme at a time. In response to those requests, I have created lesson plans for each theme.
Since I teach, “La vida contemporánea” first, in which students learn, step-by-step, how to master each part of the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam, you must buy that theme first and then the others in order. Las familias y las comunidades is the fifth theme covered in the year-long lesson plans. Many of the AP Spanish Power Points for an Entire Year are included in this bundle, but not all.
I taught Spanish for 30 years.
During the five years that I taught AP Spanish, all of my students passed except one and that during my first year of teaching AP. The last year I taught AP, all my students passed the AP Spanish Test with mostly 5s and a few fours. The year before all passed with mostly fours and fives.
My principal nominated me for Teacher of the Year.
For my staff, I facilitated and presented a workshop on EDI (Explicit Direct Instruction) Lesson Planning. I also created and presented a workshop on Total Physical Response (TPR) storytelling, Strategies for Visual Learners, and other instructional strategies.
I worked as a Consulting Teacher for two years mentoring participating teachers on quality lesson planning, instructional strategies, engaging activities, TPR Storytelling, equity, and classroom management.
I wrote and facilitated numerous workshops for beginning and veteran teachers, in and outside of my district, on lesson planning, classroom management, instructional strategies, TPR Storytelling, How to Teach Grammar in the Target Language, Equity, Strategies for Visual Learners and more.
I am one of the top sellers in the High School Category.
Ensayo persuasivo PowerPoint: Thank you so much. Everything is AWESOME!!! This has saved me so much time. You are a life saver. / It was a great presentation. I used it with my AP Spanish class, and it was exactly what I needed.
Correo electrónico PowerPoint: Excellent resource to share with students. A step by step guide to plan, and write an e-mail reply. Plenty of sample questions to request more information, vocabulary lists, a checklist, a sample email…thank you!!!!! / Well done! I have been searching for more material to help my students succeed on the Exam and I think I have found it!! Wow!!
Los pronombres relativos PowerPoint: Amazing powerpoint. Very, very thorough with tons of examples. I have purchased so many of your products and love them all. Muchísimas gracias, Angie!!!
This product contains 268 Word documents and 454 PowerPoint slides and includes the following resources:
Homework Answers PowerPoints
Ten 90-minute lesson plans with learning objectives, attention-getters, practices, and closure: Some lessons overlap the previous and following themes
Bell Work
Audio files and audio scripts
Internet articles and corresponding activities
College Board rubrics
Vocabulary, Activities, and quizzes for the novel, “Senderos” by Francisco Jiménez
Extra activities for the regular schedule
Practice AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam from AP Central
a) REPASO, A Complete Review Workbook for Grammar, Communication, and Culture published by National Textbook Company. ISBN: 0-8442-7412-7
(ISBN is included in the product under “Notes to the Teacher”.)
c) *Temas by Vista Higher Learning or another book that has short stories. (ISBN is in the product). *This book is OPTIONAL. It may be omitted if there are budgetary constraints. You can replace the assignments with other short stories and accompanying activities.
d) Novel for each student: Senderos fronterizos por Francisco Jiménez; ISBN-13: 978-0-618-22618-4
e) Access to a computer, the Internet, and a projector to project the Internet resources onto a screen.
★ This purchase is for personal use only. If other teachers at your school would like to use the materials, additional licenses must be purchased.
★ Ask your principal, department, or district to purchase this curriculum for you!
★★ ★ ATTENTION DISTRICTS AND DEPARTMENTS: If you are purchasing for your school’s department, please buy the appropriate number of licenses. Use this curriculum for your PLCs (Professional Learning Communities) and common assessments.
To receive free resources, discounts, and notifications of new products, click on the following link to follow my store: ANGIE TORRE
Las familias y las comunidades lesson plans will help your students succeed on the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam.
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