Les vêtements French Clothing Digital and Printable Activities | Tests

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French Clothing Digital and Printable Activities: Students practice the French vocabulary for clothing and colors. There are three versions of the test: a no-prep, interactive, self-correcting, editable Google Forms activity with fun visuals, a digital Google Slides version, and a printable version. The activities can be used as tests, quizzes, or practice activities for assessing reading and writing proficiency.

Grade Levels
7-12; Homeschool
Resource Type
Assessments; Printables: Internet Activities: Google Apps



French Clothing Digital and Printable Activities: Students practice the French vocabulary for clothing and colors. There are three versions of the test: a no-prep, interactive, self-correcting, editable Google Forms activity with fun visuals, a digital Google Slides version, and a printable version. The activities can be used as tests, quizzes, or practice activities for assessing reading and writing proficiency.


  • Autocorrecting, editable, multiple-choice and short-answer Google Forms Activities / Tests: 20 questions

✨Multiple-choice questions in which students choose the best answer to the questions, some, according to the photos (Est-ce que le complet va bien au petit garçon ? / De quelle couleur est le drapeau ?)

✨Réponds aux questions: Short answer questions in which students describe the picture by writing the color and item of clothing (Que porte Éliane aujourd’hui ? Elle porte un…)

Students must write the correct order of noun and adjective, the masculine and feminine form, and also the singular and plural forms of the colors (Elle porte des chaussures bleues.)

Vocabulary includes some of the following: les couleurs, rouge, vert, rose, blanc, jaune, bleu, violet, marron, brun, un chemisier, une robe, des lunettes de soleil, des gants, des chaussures, un sac, des boucles d’oreilles, une cravate, un imperméable, une chemise, des chaussettes, un complet, la taille, une jupe, moche, un magazin de vêtements, and expressions like, “Le costume ne lui va pas” and “à la mode.”

  • Les vêtements et les couleurs Student Handout with 51 items of clothing and colors in French and English and related vocabulary
  • Student Handout with conjugation charts for the verbs, “acheter, porter,” and “mettre”
  • Student Handout with the masculine, singular and plural and the feminine, singular and plural of the colors including compound colors such as “bleu foncé”
  • Two printable tests:

✨ Students answer the questions in complete sentences according to the pictures. They describe les vêtements et les couleurs of the items shown.

✨ Students answer questions related to clothing, colors, and shopping.

✨ Students answer questions using expressions about clothing, write the masculine and feminine of each color in French and English, and conjugate the verbs “acheter” and “mettre”

  • Digital, Google Slides version of above test
  • #distancelearningtpt

★These French Clothing vocabulary activities are included in the following money-saving bundles:

French One Bundle

French One, Two, Three, and Four Bundle

French Google Drive Activities Bundle

French One Digital and Printable Tests (To be posted soon)

French Clothing and Colors PowerPoint and Curriculum

To receive freebies and notifications of new products, click the following link to follow my store: ANGIE TORRE


French Clothing PowerPoint and Activities

French Food Clothing and Colors Bingo

French Clothing Vocabulary Interactive Notebook and Google Drive Activities

You will love French Clothing Digital and Printable Activities and Tests because they do all the correcting and grading for you!

Check out this blog post about how to stop correcting tests: HOW NOT TO CORRECT TESTS


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