Spanish Object Pronouns Interactive Notebook Activities
Spanish Object Pronouns Interactive Notebook Activities by Angie Torre
To see my Spanish Two Master Interactive Notebook and an explanation of how I use the Interactive Notebook Activities, click here: Spanish Two Master Interactive Notebook
This Spanish Object Pronouns Interactive Notebook Activities includes the following:
~Spanish Object Pronouns Interactive Notebook Foldable activity in which students write the meaning of the direct and indirect object pronouns (Spanish Two) or write sentences using the object pronouns and their translations (Spanish Three)
~Spanish Object Pronouns Interactive Notebook Activity in which students complete the sentences using the verb, “dar” and answer the questions with complete sentences using the indirect object pronouns, “le” and “les”
~Activity in which students answer the questions with complete sentences using direct object pronouns
~Activity in which students translate the direct and indirect object pronouns from English to Spanish and then translate the underlined pronoun into English.
~Spanish Object Pronouns Interactive Notebook Activity in which students answer the questions using, “me, te,” and, “nos”
~ME TE NOS student handout
~Student handout explaining and demonstrating the use and order of the direct object pronouns
~Spanish Object Pronouns Interactive Notebook Activities Student handout explaining and demonstrating the use and order of the indirect object pronouns
~PowerPoint instructions for the students
~PowerPoint answers to all activities
~23-slide Object Pronouns Google Drive Activity in which students move the parts of speech to form correct sentences with object pronouns and answer questions using object pronouns
~Instructions PowerPoint for the teacher
And in this bundle: Interactive Notebook Activities for Spanish 1,2, 3
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