Over 80 assessments and worksheets for an entire year for Spanish One and Two including the MIDTERM and FINAL. These tests and quizzes assess students’ ability to read, speak, listen, and write in Spanish. Many visuals aid in comprehension and decrease testing anxiety. The assessments include 318 Word, PDF documents and PowerPoint slides, three audio files, Google Slides and autocorrecting Google Forms digital versions for distance learning.
Assessments include written, cloze stories, cloze sentences, listening activities with Spanish speakers (la práctica auditiva), tons of visuals, question/answer, essay, narration, attention-getters, complete the sentence, scantron, descriptions and more.
SPANISH 1 TESTS: These resources assess the students’ ability to communicate on the following topics:
~Classroom Objects and School Supplies / Los útiles
~How to Greet People and ask where they are from / Los saludos y las despedidas
~Calendar and when events take place / Los días de la semana y los meses del año
~Spanish Clothing / La ropa
~El alfabeto / Spanish alphabet
~Numbers / Los números
~People / La gente
~Family / La familia
~What people like and don’t like to do / gustar
~Asking and answering questions, yes/no and interrogative / Las preguntas / Las preguntas interrogativas
~Where people go / El verbo IR
~Possessions / Las posesiones
~Emotions / Las emociones
~Places / Los lugares
~Time; how to tell time and say when events take place and begin and end / La hora / ¿A qué hora empieza…?
~Descriptions / Los adjetivos y colores
~Food / La comida / Los comestibles
~Weather / El tiempo
~Sports / Los deportes
Students will also be tested on the following grammatical concepts:
~Verb infinitives and present tense conjugations of regular verbs
~Tú, usted, ustedes / Students will ask and answer questions using all forms of tú except vosotros (¿Trabajan Uds.? Sí, trabajamos.)
~Use and conjugation of the verbs, “Ser, Tener, Ir”
~Subject Pronouns singular and plural (tú y tú = ustedes)
~How to form plural nouns, adjectives and verbs (Yo soy / Nosotros somos)
~GO verbs
Spanish One PowerPoints and Curriculum
SPANISH 2 Tests and Quizzes cover the following concepts:
~Diagnostic Test
~Conjugation and Meaning of Verbs
~Preguntas – How to Form Questions in Spanish
~Review Test
~ Weather- el tiempo
~GO Verbs
~Sports – Los deportes
~Stem-changing Verbs
~House and Chores Vocabulary- Listening and Written
~Saber vs. conocer
~Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
~MIDTERM, written and scantron with an attention-getter
~Personal A
~Places with listening activity
~Progressive Tense
~Ser vs. estar
~5 Preterite Tests with Listening Activity and Script: irregular verbs, regular verbs, dar y ver,
~Reflexive Verbs and Related Vocabulary
~Body and Health – La salud with Audio Script and Listening Activity
~FINAL with Scantron and Essay
~Los comparativos
~Los demostrativos
~Las expresiones, “hace que” y “¿Desde cuándo?”
Spanish One, Two, and Three Tests and Quizzes
Spanish One and Two PowerPoints and Curriculum
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