Spanish Ser Adjectives Plurals Lesson Plans and Curriculum includes everything you need to teach the Spanish verb SER, Spanish descriptive adjectives, and singular and plural nouns and adjectives: Four fun PowerPoints, no-prep daily lesson plans, comprehensible input with two videos and five stories, worksheets, bell work, attention getters, interactive notebook activities, student handouts, printable and digital autocorrecting activities and tests, and three Google Drive Activities. Google Slides digital versions are included for 1:1 classes or distance learning.
- Ten 90-minute daily, no-prep lesson plans
- Word Document and PDF of continuous lesson plans so you can print them out all at once
118-slide Spanish Descriptive Adjectives PowerPoint with the following:
~Eye-catching visuals illustrating each adjective
~Words in context of each adjective including the color of eyes: Tiene los ojos azules.
~Chart: Los adjetivos masculino y femenino
~Checking for understanding practices
~Practice Activities in which students write complete sentences from sentence stems with correct masculine and feminine endings
~Closure Activity in which students describe the people in the photos
- 36-slide Singular and Plural Articles, Nouns and Adjectives PowerPoint with the following:
~Chart demonstrating the singular and plural definite and indefinite articles: él / los; un; unos
~Chart demonstrating the singular and plural of the subject pronouns: Yo / Nosotros; Tú / Ustedes
~No hay plural para HAY and use in context with complete sentences: Hay un televisor en la clase. Hay dos televisores en la clase.
~Singular and plural of the verb SER
~Singular and plural of the verb ESTAR
~Los adjetivos y sustantivos: How to form the plural of adjectives and nouns: Vocal + s; Consonante + es
~Singular and plural forms and use of the verb LLAMAR: ¿Cómo se llama el muchacho? vs. ¿Cómo se llaman los muchachos?
~Students diagram parts of speech: María tiene un lápiz. Sustantivo, verbo, artículo (adjetivo), sustantivo
~Practice activities
- 67-slide PowerPoint and TPRS Story for the Spanish verb SER with the following:
~Illustrated sentences using different conjugations of the verb SER
~Checking for Understanding Practice Activity
~Illustrated TPR Story with many uses of the verb SER in context
~True/False Activity
~Complete the sentence Activity
~Comprehension Questions
- 50-slide PowerPoint on the Position of Adjectives with the following:
~Comparison of adjective placement in English and Spanish: adjetivo sustantivo vs. sustantivo adjetivo
~Illustrated sentences using descriptive adjectives in context
~Checking for Understanding Practice
~Las excepciones: bueno, malo, grande
~Practice Activities
- Bell Work
- Tension PowerPoint that tells students what they will be learning and what they will do at the end of the lesson to demonstrate mastery
- Attention Getters
- Homework and PowerPoint answers
- Competitions, Games, Quizlets
- Google Slide Activities
~Printable Adjectives Test: Students write sentences with the opposite adjective, students complete the sentences
~Printable Adjectives Test: Students listen and draw what the hear. Students write complete sentences using the opposite adjective. Students write complete sentences using the verb SER and adjectives, with correct spelling, number, and gender.
~Audio for listening part
~Autocorrecting, editable Descriptive Adjectives Google Forms Activity or Quiz
~Autocorrecting, editable Position of Adjectives Google Forms Test
~Printable Plurals Test
~Printable Test on the verb SER
~Autocorrecting, editable Google Forms SER activity or quiz
~El verbo SER self-correcting and grading activity or test.
~SER Paired Activity
~Biography: Students write a biography of a famous person using descriptive adjectives and the verb SER.
~The Dating Game: Teacher describes famous people and students choose the one they wish to go out with.
~Listen and Draw Activity
~Web Search and description of famous people
~SER Student Handout: Conjugation chart, vocabulario importante of related vocabulary and words in context.
~Adjectives handout with 51 adjectives in Spanish and English, related vocabulary, words to describe hair and eyes, and a chart with masculine and feminine forms.
~Los plurales Student Handout: Charts explaining the singular and plural definite and indefinite articles: el, la, un, una, los, las, unos, unas
~Explanation of how to use the plural with the verb HAY
~Explanation of how to form the plural of nouns and adjectives by adding S to vowels and ES to consonants
~The plural of the verbs SER and LLAMAR
~Verb conjugations for the verbs SER and TRABAJAR
~La posición de los adjetivos Student Handout: Compares the placement of adjectives in. Spanish and English. Shows the exceptions BUENO, MALO, GRANDE
~Students describe the people in the images
~Students read the descriptions and draw the people described.
~INB in which students write complete sentences with the verb SER, a noun, and an adjective, placing the adjectives in the appropriate place
Google Slides digital versions of activities and PowerPoints
~Los plurales Google Drive Activities
~Adjectives Google Drive Activities
~Position of Adjectives Google Drive Activities
~SER VIDEO, vocabulary, script, and activities. Jessica, Melanie, and Óscar ask and answer questions about each other using the verb SER many times in context. .53 in length.
~LOS ADJETIVOS VIDEO, vocabulary, script, and activities: Jessica and Óscar describe their friends and other people using many adjectives. Pop-in visuals aid in comprehension,
~Paco, Sonia y Alejandro TPRS Story with vocabulary, script, and activities. The story uses the verb SER many times in context.
~Alejandra Strip Story with many adjectives used in context
~Rosa y el mal hombre Story, vocabulary, script, and activities: Story uses many adjectives in context, placing the adjective after the noun.
~DOS CUENTOS: El cuento de Jorge y Linda with vocabulary, script, drawings, and activities. The Story uses many adjectives in context.
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