Spanish Autocorrecting Google Forms Activities | Assessments

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Creating and correcting tests and worksheets for Spanish class is time consuming. These activities are self-grading, editable, and fun interactive assessments. They can also be used as digital worksheets, homework, practice review activities, or bell work and can be used in Google Drive or Google Classroom. Most are illustrated and provide comprehensible input in the form of cloze stories, audio, photos, or complete sentences in Spanish. This is a growing bundle. Any activities added after purchase will be yours for free.

Grade Levels
9-12; Homeschool
Resource Type
Google Apps; Activities; Assessments
What Buyers Have Said:
~ “Very helpful to assess students’ skills on the material that you are covering in class. Gracias”



Creating and correcting tests and worksheets for Spanish class is time consuming. These autocorrecting Spanish Google Forms activities are editable fun interactive assessments. They can also be used as digital worksheets, homework, practice review activities, or bell work and can be used in Google Drive or Google Classroom. Most are illustrated and provide comprehensible input in the form of cloze stories, audio, photos, or complete sentences in Spanish.
Model sentences and clear instructions indicating when to use lower-case letters decrease ambiguity and confusion.
Students answer questions, choose answers from multiple-choice options, complete sentences, write conjugations, describe photos, listen and write, or choose the correct verb.

Autocorrecting Spanish Google Forms Activities include the following resources:

  • 36 Self-correcting, editable, no-prep Google Forms Activities practicing the following concepts:

Los días de la semana y los meses del año

Estar, emotions and places vocabulary


La familia

Spanish Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

Spanish Weather El tiempo Vocabulary

Ir + al and Ir + a la

The Spanish Verb Ser Present Tense

Spanish Present Tense Regular Verbs -AR -Er -IR Conjugations

Spanish House Rooms and Furniture Google Forms Activities

Los adjetivos posesivos

Spanish Body Parts El cuerpo

Spanish Sports Vocabulary

Spanish Stem-changing Verbs Present Tense

Spanish Reflexive Verbs Daily Routine

Spanish Subjunctive Assessments and Digital Activities

Spanish GO Verbs

Spanish Numbers 0-100

La hora y las clases

Spanish Food La comida Vocabulary

Spanish Clothing Tests

Spanish Personal A Google Forms Activities

Spanish Comparisons and Superlative Google Forms Activities

Spanish Vosotros Practice

El pretérito

Preterite Tense of DAR and VER

Spanish Expressions for TO BECOME or TO GET

Spanish One Printable and Digital Midterm Exam

Spanish One Final Exam

Spanish Two Final Exam

Spanish Three Final Exam

Spanish Adjectives

La sobremesa

La quinceañera

Tú Usted Ustedes Questions Digital and Printable Tests

Ser vs. Estar Autocorrecting, editable, illustrated Google Forms Activities

STUDENT HANDOUTS are included.
★These autocorrecting Spanish Google Forms activities are included in the following money-saving bundle Spanish Google Drive Bundle

To receive free resources, discounts, and notifications of new products, click on the following link to follow my store: ANGIE TORRE

Click on the link to read about why you should use Spanish Digital Escape Rooms.





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