This 15-slide Spanish House and Chores Google Drive Interactive Notebook Activity begins with recognition and ends with production of individual words, then language in context.
Spanish House and Chores Google Drive Interactive Notebook Activity includes the following:
- Slides with visuals in which students move the furniture to the corresponding words
- Entire house which students label
- Slides with visuals in which students write the Spanish word for the furniture, and objects pictured
- Slides with visuals in which students write complete sentences describing the chore that the person is doing
- Visual Answer Key
Word documents include:
- Spanish House and Chores Student handout / study guide with 113 vocabulary words for the house and chores as well as the expressions, “tener que + infinitivo”, and, “tener ganas de + infinitivo”
- **all the rooms in the house and the furniture and items needed for each room
- **los quehaceres (arreglar el cuarto, ayudar, dar de comer al perro, pasar la aspiradora, barrer, recoger, cortar el césped, lavar la ropa, limpiar el baño, planchar, poner la mesa, quitar la mesa, quitar el polvo, sacudir los muebles, sacar la basura, trapear, enchufar, conectar, desenchufar, colgar)
- Instructions for accessing and using the Google Drive Interactive Notebook Activity
This activity is included in the following product: House & Chores PPT & INB Activities
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