Spanish Stem Changing Verbs Interactive PowerPoint Games


Students read and complete the sentence by choosing the correct verb. If they choose the correct stem-changing verb, they are congratulated; if not, they are told to try again. Students get instant feedback – no correcting necessary!

Grade Levels
7-12; Homeschool
Resource Type
PowerPoint Presentations; Activities; Games



Spanish Stem-changing Verbs Interactive PowerPoint Game Product Description:

Spanish Stem-changing Verbs Interactive PowerPoint Game: Students read and complete the sentence by choosing the correct verb. If they choose the correct stem-changing verb, they are congratulated; if not, they are told to try again. Students get instant feedback – no correcting necessary! These activities are not only fun but they provide comprehensible input of Spanish stem-changing verbs because even the incorrect verbs are spelled and conjugated correctly and the visuals aid in comprehension.

To see the Spanish Two and Three Game in action, click here: Spanish Two Stem-changing Interactive PowerPoint Game

This Spanish Stem-changing Verbs Interactive PowerPoint Game product includes the following resources:


~26-slide Stem-changing Verbs Interactive PowerPoint Game for Spanish Two in which students complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb from among two, three, four, and six choices

~26-slide Stem-changing Verbs Interactive PowerPoint Game for Spanish Three in which students complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb from among two, three, four, and six choices.

~Student handout with the list of 44 stem-changing verbs, their English translation, and use in context for Spanish Two

~Student handouts on Stem-changing verbs / Los verbos que cambian en la base for Spanish Two and Spanish Three

~Student handouts with the list of 70 stem-changing verbs / Los verbos que cambian en la raíz, English translation, and use in context for Spanish Three

~Instructions for the PowerPoint Game and PowerPoint Instructions for Google Drive Games

~Links to Google Drive Games

~PowerPoint Answers to both games

~PowerPoint vocabulary students need to know to play the game

THESE Spanish Stem-changing Verbs Interactive PowerPoint Game ACTIVITIES ARE INCLUDED IN THE FOLLOWING MONEY-SAVING BUNDLE: Spanish Google Drive Activities

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Click here for the Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs PowerPoint

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